
🏘️This resource is specifically designed for native communities.

💲 This resource has a fee to access.


Center for Tribes | The Center for Tribes collaborates with American Indian and Alaska Native nations to help strengthen Tribal child and family systems and services in order to nurture the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families. 🏘️

Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network | We help government agencies and nonprofits in states, tribes, and territories work across jurisdictional and systemic boundaries to improve supports and services for families in which grandparents, other relatives, or close family friends are raising children.

Levels of Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect | Prevention services can range from Active Efforts to Customary Adoption. Weaving cultural stories and practices into any decision-making child welfare practice is prevention. This document describes the three main types of prevention and provides resources aligned with each so tribal child welfare programs can better identify where the services they are already providing fit along the continuum. 🏘️

National Indian Child Welfare Association | NICWA strives to support tribal governments, state agencies, child welfare workers, federal policymakers, and others in their efforts to ensure understanding of, and compliance with, ICWA. Through our policy and advocacy work, we work to address systemic issues that arise in ICWA implementation. 🏘️

The Indian Child Welfare Act: A Family's Guide | Find answers to your questions about ICWA here. 🏘️

Tribal Information Exchange | The Capacity Building Center for Tribes, funded by the Children’s Bureau, provides training and technical assistance to build the capacity of tribal child welfare programs. 🏘️