Who We Are

About ICWA

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a federal law which governs the removal and out of home placement of American Indian children. The law was passed in 1978 due to an alarming rate of Indian children being removed from their homes and communities and placed in foster care or adoption homes with non-Indian families.

About the Resource Center

In coordination with elders, grandparents, kinship providers, and foster/adoptive parents, the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council has developed an on-line ICWA Resource Center for Caregivers to support a culturally specific multidisciplinary balanced approach to contribute to a body of knowledge through virtual training and resources. The overall goal is to strengthen and support caregivers of children impacted by the Indian Child Welfare Act and navigating within state systems. The training platform includes culturally integrated storytelling trainings to strengthen the knowledge and ability of those who provide care and nurturing for Native children and youth.

Our Team

Our team coming soon.